Saguni is an upcoming Tamil political drama film directed by Shankar Dayal. The film features Karthi and Pranitha in the lead roles, while Santhanam, Roja, Kota Srinivasa Rao, Mumtaj and Nassar appear in supporting roles. Production works began in April 2011, while the film is expected to release by June 2012. Yesterday (02/06/2012) Audio was released with 5 single tracks. Sound track composed by G.V. Prakashkumar who bagged a national award in 2011 for the film called "Aadukalam". The Telugu version of saguni will be released on June 05th 2012.
Here are the Sound tracks
1. "Kandha Kaara Vadai" By Paramu - Shankar Mahadevan
2. "Manasellam Mazhaiye" By Na. Muthukumar - Sonu Nigam, Saindhavi
3. "Vella Bambaram" By Vivega - Baba Sehgal, Priya Himesh
4. "Pottadhu Pathalai Maapillai" By Annamalai - Velmurugan
5. "Aatukkutti Muttaipodum Solliduvaanda" By Na. Muthukumar - Pushpavanam Kuppusamy
Click here to download in a single file (Foreign Link) - 320 Kbps
Album: Saguni
Banner: Dream Warrior Pictures
Starring: Karthi, Pranitha, Santhanam, Prakash Raj
Direction: Shankar Dayal.N
Production: Antony Xavier
Music: G.V.Prakash Kumar
Lyricist: Na. Muthukumar, Annamalai, Vivega, Paramu
Label: Gemini Audio
Released Year: 2012
Here are the Sound tracks
1. "Kandha Kaara Vadai" By Paramu - Shankar Mahadevan
2. "Manasellam Mazhaiye" By Na. Muthukumar - Sonu Nigam, Saindhavi
3. "Vella Bambaram" By Vivega - Baba Sehgal, Priya Himesh
4. "Pottadhu Pathalai Maapillai" By Annamalai - Velmurugan
5. "Aatukkutti Muttaipodum Solliduvaanda" By Na. Muthukumar - Pushpavanam Kuppusamy
Click here to download in a single file (Foreign Link) - 320 Kbps
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